Thursday, November 18, 2010

The daily life using Animals.

bulls working on a farm
 Imagine walking across lot and lots of sand with a ton of stuff on your back. Ouch that would really hurt! That's why the Egyptians had camels, donkeys and horses. It seems mean to put these poor animals to work but, it was for a good cause. Egyptians used some animals for milk, sometimes they would drink the milk rite out of the pale GROSS!! They would kill ducks and other animals for food. Poor animals.  The Egyptians used some animals to please the gods or goddess.  Some of the animals they worshiped were cat,ram, and the baboon. The Egyptians would have a sacred house for the rams and the ram would always have someone with them. If a ram wanted to take a long walk someone would be with it. Weird huh?


  1. Animals, we sometimes spoil them , and sometimes we work them to death. What're you going to do?

  2. We spoil our animals..waayyyy to much. HAHA.
    There mans best friend though!
