Saturday, November 20, 2010

Q: What are the areas I need to work on?

Q: What are my strengths?

Q: Why was the cat domesticated?

Q:When was the cat domesticated?

Animals and the Nile River

Camels drinking in the Nile River
 The Nile supports animal life by giving them what they need to survivor. That's good. It gives them water and vegetation. It also gives carnivores meat.  How Gross!  The Nile supports all kinds of animals.  It also gives a habitat for water animals. It brings life into Ancient Egypt.  With out it Ancient Egypt would have no animals. That means they would have to do everything.  That would be hard! With no animals no gods or goddess would be worshiped. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Cat!

The cat was a very sacred to the Egyptians.  The cat was domesticated (why domesticate cats)when the Egyptians believed in Bastet. It was domesticated because of Bastet. It also was domesticated because it was believed that bastet kept all mice and rats out of their crops. Also bastet brung happiness. Bastet is also the daughter of the sun god, Ra. She is always happy and never sad about anything. I would love to be happy all the time.

Secred Animals

Ancient Egyptian cat
There are lots of different animals. One of my favorite and the Egyptions favorite is the cat. Their cats had no fur YUK!! The Egyptions worshiped the cats because they believed that the cat goddess, Bastest, was the goddess of happiness and kept the rats out of their crops, so cool. The Ram is also a sacred animal, to. The sun god, Ra, has a head of a ram and the body of a human (why not just give him a ram body and head?). The next sacred animal is the baboon.  This animal is worshiped because of its god. I don't know anything about you but, Baboons scare me. They believed by keeping these animals sacred it would please their god or goddess. That's not all the sacred animals because if I named all of the animals it would boor you to death. Trust me I don't want to kill you. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Mummifyed Animals, to!!

mummified Gazzale
The Egyptians only mummified the sacred animals because it would please the god or goddess. When a sacred animal died its skin was dried out and then it was wrapped in cloth and put into a coffin.  The coffin animals were put in were much different because it was made in that animals form. The animals they mummified were cattle, cats, dogs, monkeys, ram, baboon, crocodiles, ibis, falcons (hey that reminds me are school mascot is a falcon), and hawks. They would put these animals in a special graveyard.  This is where their gods and goddess would watch over them to see if they were going to have a good after life

The daily life using Animals.

bulls working on a farm
 Imagine walking across lot and lots of sand with a ton of stuff on your back. Ouch that would really hurt! That's why the Egyptians had camels, donkeys and horses. It seems mean to put these poor animals to work but, it was for a good cause. Egyptians used some animals for milk, sometimes they would drink the milk rite out of the pale GROSS!! They would kill ducks and other animals for food. Poor animals.  The Egyptians used some animals to please the gods or goddess.  Some of the animals they worshiped were cat,ram, and the baboon. The Egyptians would have a sacred house for the rams and the ram would always have someone with them. If a ram wanted to take a long walk someone would be with it. Weird huh?